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Journey through the Chakras

Rescue your Balance and Harmony

Would you like to take better care of yourself, your Body, Mind and Spirit? 🕉

It is with great happiness and gratitude that I bring you this Journey for BodhiSpirit & Mind Chakras now Offline version.

Since March 2020 I brought this program to the world in Online mode and has had several editions!

These 7 Days have proved to be truly transforming the lives of people who have accepted to travel with me in the last editions, especially in these times of confinement when minds have become much louder and where the shadows of being are exalted.

You can see here all the feedbacks from all the beautiful souls who have gone through this challenge

During this journey we enter together on a true journey and immersion within ourselves, we go to our origin, we take root, we visit our shadows, we release what no longer allows us to move forward in our life, we expand our hearts, we express our truth, we activate our power of intuition and we transcend this experience by opening up a new field of consciousness in connection with our Inner Divine and the Higher Divine.

We connect with Gaia, Mother Earth and the Universe, Superior Father.

In this Journey you give form to this triad

- Body, Mind and Spirit - Father, Mother and Son - Past, Present and Future

Here you work to harmonize the 7 main Chakras that are located from the base of our spine to the top of our head and are closely linked to our physical body, to all organs and systems, to our emotions and feelings. Here we access our most subtle layer, our etheric body through which our vital energy flows, our Prana, where our Chakras are housed, the energy centers where our vital energy flows.

When we heal and maintain the health of our energetic body, and make better lifestyle and dietary choices, we actually heal problems that can arise before they even manifest in the physical body.

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Here and now is the time to work deeply on the rebalancing and harmonizing of your Being due to a great and important planetary transition that we are going through.

Starting from the idea that everything is energy, and we are a tiny cell that makes up this great Macro Cosmos that is the Universe, then we are also pure energy. With this planetary transition, we are receiving different and higher energy frequencies. As we are making this readjustment at the energy level at the level of our subtle body, it is necessary to prepare our physical and mental body so that we can integrate all this frequency in a harmonious way in all our Being.

More than ever this is the time to bring Y in Yang balance into our lives.

Recognize my Self in a patient way, balancing my Matriarchal and my Patriarchal, my feminine but also masculine energy, balancing my rational, structured side with my flexible, sensitive, intuitive and welcoming side.


This is a great moment for Humanity called The Great Shift, which is a great quantum leap that we will all pass some more than some and some faster than others. As my mentor, Marcinha Bello says, fear and panic are part of a process of releasing all that shadows that we didn't want to see. And now 2020 emerges as the Rebirth of a New Age Human Being who is ready for a Great Awakening.


22 is one of the most powerful numbers in numerology, it brings the frequency of connection with spirituality, with the energy of the heart, with the cosmos and brings many projects aimed at the benefit of others, for humanitarian benefit. And 2 is duality is chaos and harmony at the same time. And for there to be transformation, the disorder is necessary, and this is what this whole situation we are experiencing has brought us.


The entrance into this New Age asks us to go back inside. This change that we are all experiencing is giving us a great opportunity to allow ourselves to free ourselves from all beliefs, patterns, to do what we don't like, to be that person that we know is not our truth. This limitation has already ended.


And this is the moment to question ourselves giving voice to the New Human that exists within each one of us, and that is ready to be reborn because little by little we are already dying with the old.

Then write these questions down so you can answer them throughout this process:

- Whom can I be without the conditions I had before?

- Who am I without my profession, without knowing my age, without anything I thought I had?

- What are my powers, my skills, what do I know I do well and love?

- Who do I really want to be?

- Whom do I want to be for real? What do I want to talk about? How do I really want to dress? What are the people I want to relate to, live with, work with?


Remember, we are no longer conditioned to patriarchal power, to male power, the limitations imposed by an old rigid and distorted society..everything is changing..and the matriarchal side is gaining more and more voice! So this is the time for you to be truly you! Stop, sit down, take a deep breath, listen to yourself and look at the EVERYTHING from the top in an eagle vision perspective, get out of the heart of the problems and learn the best from them. Listen to your womb (even men), listen to your co-creation power. You have this magnificent power to co-create the life you desire, you have an Unlimited Power. Listen to the signals that come from the Universe, listen to your dreams, and go, without fear, with confidence ... follow the path that you really want for yourself!

Whatever you may be experiencing, be it physical symptoms that you do not understand well because you have them, be it mental confusion, fears, insecurities for everything we have lived in these recent times is a pure transformation. And like any transformation, it is normal for you to feel a breakdown, that something has disintegrated and that the pieces are loose. So let me tell you, those pieces that are coming loose are what you most need to welcome with love, dismember, try to understand everything that surrounds this piece, resignify for her then go, dissipate into the air transmuting into more wisdom, more emotional intelligence, more creativity, more welcoming, more awareness of your true essence and what you truly want in your life. And this is not just happening to you, it is happening to humanity and the entire Planet.

This tool that I offer you aims to dive deep inside you, to allow you to work from the beginning, awakening the Kundalini that live asleep within your Being, that Pure Vital Energy that has always been part of you but that has long been asleep.

And now is the time to awaken it to make your way back home, and for that, you need to release, disintegrate everything you no longer need, awakening a new awareness thus opening space for a New Self to arrive.

If you need any additional information do n't hesitate to contact me!

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