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Welcome to my online portal

First of all, let me tell you two things:

I am immensely HAPPY that you are on that side, for wanting to know a little bit about me;


I am immensely grateful for this great gift


My name is Paula Margarida Coelho Gomes and I was born on June 1, 1987, in the beautiful city of Porto.

Making a difference in someone's life has motivated me in my field, both professionally and personally. I increasingly feel and know that doing good for others is part of my Essence and leaves me completely fulfilled.

As a Personal Trainer, I have had the privilege of helping to change lives, implement healthier lifestyle habits, to be the north on a path that in no way proves easy, with ups and downs, defeats and conquests that the Human Being is subject to achieve a goal in terms of physical training. Many of these goals went through wanting to lose those extra fats, to get a more toned body, others still associated with back pain due to the adoption of bad postures on a daily basis, and still, situations related to diseases, among others.

“I recommend it 100%! A super committed professional who allows you to achieve goals very quickly. In addition to her friendliness and good daily disposition gives good incentives. The workouts are very personalized and versatile! She easily became a good friend and a great advisor. ”

- Joana Santos, Personal Trainer Client Aveiro

"I started training in the park with my sister, who was already training ... Paulinha with all the dedication and professionalism adapted all the exercises ... Today, I started exercising again, feeling good with my body and understanding its signs and needs, so I highly recommend the work of this wonderful professional, and I can only be grateful for all the help and guidance she offered me. "

- Jeásica Fernandez, Personal Trainer Client Aveiro

In the last 4 years being involved in the area of ​​Fitness and Personal Training I was allowed to witness that many people start this journey of starting to take care of their body, their health, whatever the goal, but at any given moment that goal moves into the background, with all sorts of excuses for not going to the gym or that group class.

I could see that the imposition of these goals on most people (not all, of course!) Came from the search for a greater feeling of well-being, from an existing anxiety due to the fact that they did not like what they saw in the mirror, the awareness of need to obtain a more capable and healthy body, among other reasons, inherent to the lack of something in their lives.

And I also realized that so many were those who wanted to start exercising but did not like to exercise, or who did not like gyms.

Now I realize that most people forced themselves to move not out of love for themselves, and to do something they really liked, but governed by a certain fear, by the strength of the ego, by the fear of not accepting others, by not feeling capable on a daily basis, by comparisons with third parties, among others.

I realized that this search came from the need to ascend to a greater feeling of Happiness imposed by the outside world.



Knowing that Happiness goes far beyond this and that in fact Happiness already resides within each one of us, I find that many of us live their lives in such a rush for the benefit of others and of an increasing society demanding that does not stop a minute in the hustle and bustle that is your day to ask yourself about your True Self, ask about the Why to be and feel in a certain way, to understand how it Nourishes your Mind, your Body, your Relations, thus revealing, to live in a general way in “Autopilot” mode,

How it all began...

30 Anos

The 30 years! It all started at the entrance of the famous "3". It was a controversial but transformational phase for me. Controversial in the sense that I, with this face of a girl and a well-lit inner child, was not looking at me at 30, having to face life in a more serious way ... not that until then I didn't take mine real life, without responsibilities, on the contrary ... but maybe the fact that I felt that I was "ageing" in a way scared me.

But I confess to you ... I loved reaching 30!

If I could describe my 30 years in 3 words:

- Self Love - Spirituality - Transformation -

Foi neste exato momento que consegui ter plena consciência que nas relações amorosas até ali vividas, eu dava sempre demais de mim ao outro, vindo a sofrer imensas vezes, acabando por depender e exigir demais ao outro, exigia atenção, amor mas de uma forma, talvez, exagerada.

Apesar de ser uma pessoa divertida, comunicativa, super alegre e que irradiava sempre boa disposição, a dado momento, devido em parte por infortúnios familiares e o tal depender do outro nas relações amorosas, não conseguia estar sozinha, não suportava a solidão. E foi então, nessa fase, aos 30 anos que tomei a consciência que aquilo que eu exigia aos outros não exigia a mim própria.

Foi quando eu entendi que tinha que trabalhar o meu Amor Próprio, que tinha que reaprender a gostar da minha própria companhia, que tinha que fazer mais do que gosto por mim e para mim, de estar na companhia de pessoas que me transmitissem boas energias.

Amor Próprio

Foi por esta altura que tive o meu "clique"! Algo despertou em mim uma vontade incessante de mergulhar mais no meu interior, escutar mais o meu coração, perceber que tipo de pensamentos nutria.

É aqui que o interesse pela espiritualidade, cristais, reiki, astrologia, o Yoga, cuidados de saúde de forma natural, alimentação consciente entram na minha vida.

É aqui que a minha fé em algo Superior ganha uma nova perspetiva!

Embora seja Cristã de batismo, eu gosto de dizer que a minha religião não tem um rótulo é apenas a minha fé num Ser Transcendente no Divino  que o Universo e Nós Somos Um.


E com isto tudo, permiti-me a uma grande Transformação!

O passar a escutar o meu próprio corpo de forma mais profunda fez-me percecionar que o meu corpo estava num processo de transformações.

Inicialmente surgiram as transformações ao nível do físico, em que o meu organismo já não respondia da mesma forma, não fazia bem a digestão, sentia-me mal com o meu corpo.

E com isso veio a clara consciência que o meu mental, energético e espiritual também estavam num grande processo pedindo por atenção.


Today I understand that this whole process was my Divine Self to ascend!

Deep down I really had to go through everything I went through to have been able to Awaken!

It was, say, an eye-opener.

Today I am grateful to all the challenges and obstacles that I had to overcome, to all the people who passed through my life who were part of my process ... everything was part of my evolution.

We are a family owned and operated business.

All this transformation allowed me, then, to realize that my body was no longer the same in relation to the digestion of food.

I got a lot of times with abdominal bloating, flatulence, my intestines no longer functioned regularly, and I literally felt like I was always pregnant from waking up until the end of the day, I felt really bad about my body.

Who hasn't?

We are a family owned and operated business.

Imbued in a more holistic world I start to research more about conscious eating, and it is when I purchase a "Eat Out of the Box" food course that I really start to realize that the average Human Being mostly eats just to eat to survive, but that in fact, there is no real awareness of how you nourish yourself.

Throughout this course I learned that Nutrition is much more than just what we eat as food. And having access to and understanding all the variables adjacent to this process allows us to be responsible for our health status consciously.

We are a family owned and operated business.

Having acquired this awareness of the intrinsic relationship that exists between illnesses and food made me feel uneasy. To think that if I had access to this information a few years ago, perhaps I could have helped my guiding light, my north, the one that put me in the world, my Mother.

I know that at the time and despite all the suffering, we did everything (when there is a lack of information we think we really did everything) so that she had the highest possible quality of life throughout the process of fighting one of the most deadly diseases, Cancer.

1º Festival de Dança Royalty Team - Tema O Cancro

Then I came across several questions - Why don't you teach these things at school? Why are doctors of conventional medicine not provided with such information to help in a real way in improving people's health? Why don't the media talk about it anymore?

1st Royalty Team Dance Festival that I organized. The theme was "Cancer" in honor of my Mother.

As Hippocrates, the father of Medicine, already said, "Let your medicine be your food, and let your food be your medicine."

We are a family owned and operated business.

We can say in the first instance that we are what we eat. But more than that, our body is built from what it can assimilate. And having understood that was the golden key for me to understand the changes I was undergoing.

Over time and deepening my knowledge I got a clearer view that not only is food our medicine and vice versa, but that we are composed of everything we allow to get in touch in our life.

Everything we study, what we choose to read, what we choose to watch, the music we listen to, the experiences we live, the relationships we have and the people we live with, all make up our entire physical, emotional and mental structure.

A turn of the page with this Consciousness Takes place in 2018

We are a family owned and operated business.

We are a family owned and operated business.

It was certainly a rewarding and unforgettable year!

It culminated with the outcome of a magical 8-year cycle of a project developed by Alma e Coração, and even going against advice and opposing opinions, I fought to the end listening to my heart and following my dreams and goals.

This was the message that at the time of my Dance Festival I felt

Contextualizing ...

My academic career ended in a Master of Physical Education Teacher. But I always felt that being a Physical Education teacher was not what filled my soul, I always felt that it was not the call of my essence, even going against the opinion of the family because they thought that being a teacher would guarantee me the future.

Since I was little I have been linked to the world of sport, having been a figure skating athlete for about 21 years, even taking the coach course in 2010.

Dancing has also been part of me since I was very young ... do you know the birthday parties and family gatherings? That's right, there was Paulinha guiding the choreographies and in the front line as a dancer with her friends and cousins ...

I came to attend several Hip Hop dance groups, having taken a dance course in 2010 and attended several workshops and trainings. Until I felt, at a given moment of my master's degree that it was there in the dance that my soul vibrated.

And so it was, in 2010 I created my Hip Hop group that later became the Royalty Team Dance Academy.

But as life is made up of cycles, I felt that my cycle had come to an end after 8 beautiful years.

It was as a dancer, dance teacher, mentor and choreographer to dozens of children who passed by me, and that I am so proud, that I felt that my mission to them had been accomplished and a new one was on the way. I delegated my project to people I trusted, beautiful beings of light that I will keep forever in my heart so that they could continue with my legacy.

Having contributed to the happiness of those children, their parents and everyone involved in this project has been my biggest reward over the years.

It is in 2013 that I take my Personal Trainer course, and at the same time that I teach dance classes I also get involved in the world of fitness with group classes at my gym, ending up also working in gyms like Personal Trainer.

In my academy, as we ended the class season with a final dance show, the choice of the theme for this year 2018 could not have been different.

I felt the call vibrate to reveal to the public what was bubbling up inside me that could be so useful for so many people.

Theme that I gave the name of my own phase - "Taking Consciousness" .

And as nothing happens by chance, it was in that year that I met the one who came to be my Yoga Master in my Yoga teacher course - Professor Sónia Monteiro from the Free Flow Arca d'Água School of Yoga.

I invited her to "dance Yoga" at the opening of my show, and that was when I talked to her that I really wanted to take the Yoga teacher course and she said that she would open a new class later that year.

Everything was in sync!

It was there that I had the proof that the Universe really conspires in our favour.

At the end of the year, my life follows a new and beautiful course.

Living a new Love, a new City, immersing yourself in a Philosophy of Life - Yoga -  

But not the whole process was so simple, it was undoubtedly a radical life change, leaving "my boys", leaving the gym where I used to train, leaving my family and friends, leaving the city where I lived my whole life - Paços Ferreira.

We are a family owned and operated business.

But it was the change I chose and had to make!

We are a family owned and operated business.

Knowing and living with the one I like to say is my soul mate, having gone to live in the beautiful city of Aveiro was a giant but transforming step for me. And it was with him that I learned and learn every day in such an enriching way to live our beautiful relationship of love, companionship and above all, unconditional support. We are two souls who have gone through highly intense challenges, let us say that they are not so happy but that have completely transformed us, that have made us fighters, courageous and voracious for life by not lowering their arms to our dreams and goals.

More than ever I know that our Guiding Lights from the "top" in full union with the Universe have united us.

2018 was the year that marked the Awakening and Nourishing of my Inner Light!

And what tools did I use?

We are a family owned and operated business.

From working my chakras , knowing and balancing my doshas , adjusting my diet, reducing meat and fish consumption, meditation and mindfulness , Yoga classes, regular physical training, and the use of Essential Oils and supplements from dōTERRA, the company of which I am a representative and wellness consultant, having been one of my main allies that allowed me to review my health and quality of life in a 100% natural, safe and effective way.

But to access some of this knowledge, I also resorted to some holistic therapies from reiki, aura reading, astrology, ayurvedic medicine consultations, etc.

We are a family owned and operated business.

And above all, something that I don't spend a day without doing and that has significantly changed the way I face my daily life

To thank

Every day I thank the Divine for everything in my life, including:

- by waking up every day and breathing;

- the wonderful parents who brought me to the world;

- to my masters and guides of light (one of them is my Mother) for guiding me on this journey;

- for the physical body that I have that allows me to live on this earth plane;

- for the health I have in nourishing my body, mind and spirit;

- for the beautiful family that I have that I love so much and for all the love and wisdom that they transmit to me;

- for the friends I have who make me feel loved and special;

- for loving and being loved;

- for the beautiful person of light, my love and friend who accompanies me on this journey called Life;

- for the people who were part of all the moments of my life with which I was able to learn lessons for my future;

- for all the challenges that I had to overcome that made me mature;

- for the person and woman that I am today;

- for always working on what I love and being able to make a difference in the lives of so many people;

And I could continue the list! But I don't push you anymore :)

We are a family owned and operated business.

It is living immersed in all these aspects, at the same time that I have been increasingly deepening my knowledge in Personal Development and Coaching tools and realizing the good that makes us know how to nourish Body, Mind and Spirit that more than ever I have the I am sure that it is in the union of these practices that I will be able to better serve others, taking my mission a little further than I had until then.

More than ever I know that this is my Life Purpose!

And now 2020 is full of new changes, experiences, new adventures and more evolution.

Right now it is from the wonderful country that is Thailand that I connect with you.

But today I consider myself the World!

I want you to know that you are not alone, and whatever you are going through I am here!

It is with great honor that I have as mission

Inspire you, motivate you, serve you and lead you to awaken and nurture your unlimited power

harmonizing your Body, Mind and Spirit

Together we will go much further ...

Thus the project is born

BodhiSpirit & Mind


With love

Paula Gomes

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